Palace of Typographic MasonryPALACE about
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Room: The Asemic Cabinet

Incomprehensibly Coded Admission Tickets

Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Incomprehensibly Coded Admission Tickets, offset, 82,5 x 245 mm, 2022.
Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Incomprehensibly Coded Admission Tickets (Sign), offset, 82,5 x 245 mm, 2022.
Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Incomprehensibly Coded Admission Tickets (Symbol), offset, 82,5 x 245 mm, 2022.
Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Incomprehensibly Coded Admission Tickets (Ornament), offset, 82,5 x 245 mm, 2022.

Although there are neither checkpoints nor ushers, issuing, punching or checking entrance cards to The Palace of Typographic Masonry, it has its own admission tickets. In similar absence of specific necessity, and in featuring mysterious character sets, the tickets designed by Kristiāna Marija Sproģe align with the mysticism of the asemic writings.