Palace of Typographic MasonryPALACE about
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Jean Widmer

Jean Wid­mer (born 1929) is a graphic de­signer and art di­rec­tor based in Paris. He stud­ied at the Kun­st­gewerbeschule in Zurich, under Jo­hannes Itten, and shortly af­ter­wards moved to Paris, as part of a group of Swiss de­sign­ers which were to fun­da­men­tally in­flu­ence graphic de­sign in France in the sec­ond half of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury. Wid­mer was art di­rec­tor at Ga­leries Lafayette and fash­ion mag­a­zine Jardin des Modes, trans­form­ing the graphic out­puts of both. Later, his posters for the Cen­tre de Création In­dus­trielle cre­ated an un­mis­tak­able style, which came to full fruition in his image for the Cen­tre Pom­pi­dou and other cul­tural agents in Paris, as well as in im­por­tant sig­nage work for the French mo­tor­ways and tourism sign­posts through­out the coun­try.

Also in this collection

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