Palace of Typographic MasonryPALACE about
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Room: Von Wersins Kitchen

Educational chest of Von Wersin’s Kitchen

Richard Niessen in collaboration with Lowies van Zanen, Educational chest of Von Wersin’s Kitchen, Wood, 1180 mm x 840 mm x 90 mm, 2017. (photo: Andre Witkam).
Richard Niessen in collaboration with Lowies van Zanen, Educational chest of Von Wersin’s Kitchen, Wood, 1180 mm x 840 mm x 90 mm, 2017. (photo: Andre Witkam).

To introduce the outside world to the The Palace of Typographic Masonry educational boxes have been made that—as travelling source collections—form a nomadic exhibition. Once unfolded the chest forms a cabinet containing twenty-four tile-like stone elements corresponding to the scheme of ornaments, developed by Wolgang Von Wersin.