Room: The Annex of Universal Languages
Source collection Annex of Universal Languages

Lingua Ignota by St. Hildegard von Bingen

Philosophical Language by John Wilkins

The Alphabet of Nature by Francis van Helmont

Visible Speech by Alexander Melville Bell

Esperanto by Ludwig Lejzer Zamenhof

Isotype by Otto Neurath, Gert Arnts & Peter Alma

Olympic Pictograms by Otl Aicher

Blissymbolics by Charles K. Bliss

Language of Space aUI by Ph.D. W. John Weilgart

International SignWriting by Valerie Sutton

Genesis by Juli Gudehus

LoCoS by Yukio Ota

Universal Language of Pain by Mercedes & BBDO Bangkok

Pictoscript by Jochen Gros

Emoticon by Scott Fahlman

Emoji by Shigetaka Kurita & Apple

Book from the ground

iA Writer's Roger That by Information
