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Milieudienst 1996

Milieudienst 1996, designed by Richard Niessen, was an annual report published by a semi-public agency responsible for keeping Amsterdam’s public space clean and safe. The text is based on a monologue by the director, who takes you on a tour of the city. He explains which part the agency played in its upkeep that year, offering examples that range from general to very specific. This is amplified by the design, which is based on a map of the city. The text has been divided into three layers: each layer zooms in on a different detail. The inside cover offers an overview. Reading the book, you become aware of the complex relationship between Milieudienst and the city as described by its director. In the mid-1990s, it was quite common for designers in the Netherlands to enjoy this kind of freedom. However, it disappeared like snow in the sun after the country’s public sector was privatised.

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