Room: Von Wersins Kitchen
Source Collection Von Wersin's Kitchen
A simple sequence of linear basic forms
A simple sequence of patchy basic forms
An alternating sequence of linear basic forms
An alternating sequence of patchy basic forms
A crossover sequence of linear basic forms
A crossover sequence of patchy basic forms
A simple sequence of linear unanimous forms
A simple sequence of patchy unanimous forms
An alternating sequence of linear unanimous forms
An alternating sequence of patchy unanimous forms
A crossover sequence of linear unanimous forms
A crossover sequence of patchy unanimous forms
A simple sequence of linear polyphonic forms
A simple sequence of patchy polyphonic forms
An alternating sequence of linear polyphonic forms
An alternating sequence of patchy polyphonic forms
A crossover sequence of linear polyphonic forms
A crossover sequence of patchy polyphonic forms
A simple sequence of linear forms enriched through motifs from nature
A simple sequence of patchy forms enriched through motifs from nature
An alternating sequence of linear forms enriched through motifs from nature
An alternating sequence of patchy forms enriched through motifs from nature
A crossover sequence of linear forms enriched through motifs from nature
A crossover sequence of patchy forms enriched through motifs from nature