Palace of Typographic MasonryPALACE about
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Room: Von Wersins Kitchen

Ornamental portal

Ornamental portal by Rietlanden Women's Office (unfolded), 2023, 59,4 x 84 cm, printed by ZwaanLenoir
Ornamental portal by Rietlanden Women's Office (folded), 2023, 59,4 x 84 cm, printed by ZwaanLenoir
Ornamental portal by Rietlanden Women's Office (folded), 2023, 59,4 x 84 cm, printed by ZwaanLenoir

Design collective Rietlanden Women's Office is very interested in ornament and even sees it as a form of work criticism. Invited by the Palace the collective designed this gateway to Von Wersin's Kitchen, most of whose ornaments - sampled, oversampled and broken - come from publications by a revolutionary socialist organisation of women of colour from the 1970s in New York.

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